Northwest Chinese Church Children Center (Montessori School Standard)


Dimension: 64’x48’x8’8”


Foundation: Concrete Slab (Need thicker than other Austin sites due to soil survey)


Entrance: Around 250 foot simple paved way (without drainage)


Parking lots: 7 compact cars plus 1 ADA (If too expensive, then we will not do it for now. )



Stucco Exterior, Commercial Grade Siding with Crown  

Canopy at the front double door like below: (Or better design with reasonable price)


Front Door Concrete Steps and Ramp


Roof overhang in the back

Wooden deck hallway in the back, landing steps and ramp.




Floor Plan: 

Two 24’x32’ classroom with a restroom, and a “not-too-big” walk-in storage.  


Inside 24’x32’ Classroom

            Restroom:  Lower Toilet, and Lower Sink

            4 foot long & low height Cabinet, Low & Small Kitchen Sink, Fountain


One 24’x18’6” classroom with a “not-too-big” walk-in storage , but no restroom


One 12’x10’ private office with 2 fix windows

Front door area - a glass double door, a 3 foot height half-wall between this area and kitchen


Kitchen is surrounded by countertops with cabinets opening to a 24’x15’ open area, Island Cook-top, Cabinet Space for oven, Dishwasher, Refrigerator

 (This kitchen has kids height countertops, sink, and island cook-top.)


One ADA restroom outside of classrooms for adults